Construction underway on phase one of North Drogheda’s Port Access Northern Cross Route (PANCR)

28 December 2022

The first phase of the Port Access Northern Cross Route (PANCR) highway scheme has broken ground in Drogheda, County Louth. The road’s strategic placement will improve access to residential-zoned development areas in North Drogheda, opening them up to deliver much needed additional housing.

The first phase of the PANCR comprises two km of new roadway, together with two roundabouts located on the intersections of the Twenties Lane and Ballymakenny Road. The works also include the upgrade of stretches of both Ballymakenny Road (1km) and Twenties Lane (0.6km).

We are proud to be the lead consultant for the project, which is seeing our specialists delivering rail bridge design, traffic analysis, road alignment (DMRB), drainage and outfalls, EIA services and compulsory land acquisition documentation. Our team has worked on the scheme for many years, and we are delighted to see construction now in progress and the road beginning to take shape.
